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Pontes GameZone 1.3.9
Pontes GameZone is a virtual casino with manycards, dice or other board games.It contains Blackjack, Five Cards Draw Poker, Cards War, Who isGreater, Connect Four, Slot Machine, Scopa (with its variantsEscoba, Scopone and Scopone Escoba).The package is fully available in English, Italian, Romanian,Serbian and Spanish.Other detailsYou have a virtual wallet containing your money - $1000 (atbeginning or after a reset of the game to defaults).There is also a bar area where you can order products like coffee,juice, beer, whisky and tea. Spending money at the bar area, you,the player, have bonus at winnings.If you get out of money, there is a pawn shop where you can sellpersonal goods. The sold things can be taken back paying 20%more.Sometimes, after drinking a lot at bar area, you must go tobathroom where there are double-u, sink and hand drier.The goal in this game is to win more than one million dollars,this way the casino goes bankrupt. This performance can be postedon the web with a chosen name. The money earned are saved in avirtual bank account on the server. The interface for that bankaccount will be implemented in the next release of the package.There are many options like: speech during the game, manysounds, vibrations, play on shake, keep screen awake, statisticsetc. All these options can be enabled or disabled inSettings.There are ambience sounds in bar or pawn shop, also backgroundmusic during games. The audio background can be disabled or thevolume can be adjusted in audio settings.The game is also totally accessible for blind users usingTalkback.You can read a full documentation clicking next link:www.android.pontes.ro/pontesgamezone/help/